News tickers, stock tickers, sports tickers, weather tickers etc. Tickers come in all types and take up very little screen realestate and can really add to a page’s content, constantly changing the content.
If you are a US based site and can spare the space you would be doing a fantastic service to your community at large by adding this ticker to your site. Amber means «America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response» and is meant to broadcast alerts for missing children who are in imminent danger.
An excellent software tool for any webmaster or anybody who needs to have the latest headlines news delivered as soon as they become available. NewzTop is a free desktop news ticker that resides on your desktop and allows you to easily mix and match from over 3000 news feeds including keyword searches.
Ticker that loads hospitality realty listings for the US and Canada.
For that touch of Irish. A java news ticker specifically for the The Irish Examiner, showing headlines from the paper.
News about fish.